Voices of Hawai`i • Oral History Project

Judge Ronald Moon


Interviewee: Judge Ronald Moon
Interview:    Audio Clip
Interviewer:     Jane Marshall Goodsill

Mission Statement for Voices of Hawai`i, LLC:

To preserve oral histories of people who participated in the destiny of Hawai`i from 1941-2004* in the areas of law, economy, education, business, politics, the arts, social/cultural change, agriculture, land development, water issues and tourism.

*(1941-2004 are the years Marshall M. Goodsill practiced law in Hawai`i.)

This oral history is © copyright 2018 by Voices of Hawai`i, LLC. All rights reserved. For information contact: Jane Goodsill at janegoodsill@icloud.com.

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This file may not be modified or changed in any way without contacting Voices of Hawai`i, LLC.

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Lois Taylor Clarke


John Morgan