About the Author

Jane Marshall Goodsill

Having been born and raised on Oahu, Hawai’i lives in my heart and soul.  In my career as a licensed professional counselor, I listened to thousands of hours of stories. In ten years of volunteering for a local historical commission, I refined the art of taking oral histories.

Out of curiosity to know more about my father’s career, I asked those who were hired, mentored, trained, or worked with my father if they would talk to me.  They all agreed and told stories not only of Marshall Goodsill but of their own lives, how they got to Hawai’i, and the passion they found in practicing law. It was such a unique perspective on the legal profession that I considered writing a whole book just about this! 

Yet the call was far beyond my father’s career in Hawai’i. Broadening my base, I followed one lead after another interviewing people who participated in the destiny of Hawai’i. Material from these interviews evolved into Voices of Hawai’i.

Jane Marshall Goodsill - Author

How the Books Came Together


The coconut wireless has been very active throughout the writing of these books. I was in constant communication with my interviewees.  First it was to set up interview times and dates.  After that it was to ask for clarification on a statement, correction on a date or a fact, requests that they review transcripts and chapters for accuracy.  The level of participation from all involved has been exceptionally high. 

I made an effort to cover a range of ethnicities, but never plotted how many were in any profession, never thought how many women and how many men, or questioned why a certain person had been brought into my orbit.

Everyone interviewed seemed delighted to have their life story recorded and transcribed for them.  Many said that it had saved them writing their own books. Others said this would be a springboard for the book their kids have wanted them to write.  Some had already written their own books but actively participated in my project nonetheless and I am the richer for it.

These books do not capture ALL the Voices of Hawai`i, just the ones whom I stumbled upon. I am honored to have heard each and every story.